Tuesday, November 10, 2009

It Ain't Over Til Its Over

by Amy Denson-Beagel

After Michael Steele's claim that the Republican Party would not succumb to "Ron Paul" ideals; after the humiliating defeat of John McCain and Sarah Palin at the hands of a socialist; after millions of Tea Party marchers lined the streets in protest of the Bailouts; after Pelosi forked over time to stitch the Farewell-to-Ted Kennedy healthcare bill; after Harry Reid expedited public money to build the train from Vegas to Disneyland; and after Barney Frank began disgracing mankind with his rude and insensitive call-outs, there was one message. Folks, it ain't over til its over.

Obama owes his career and life to affirmative action policies. His father came to America to learn and teach. His is a story shrouded in the midst of "reforms" that have reversed the freedoms granted to Americans at our nation's founding. Our freedom to associate not only is limited by affirmative action policies, but it has been diminished by the Democratic Party time and again. Democrats rose for popular sovereignty in the Civil War (i.e., they were in favor of allowing states to decide whether to keep slavery or not). Democrats formed the League of Nations after WWI -- wasting the time and energy at establishing an ineffective transnational council of bureaucrats. Democrats crusaded the New Deal and invented the United Nations. Democrats made the Federal Reserve Bank. Democrats plummeted us into the Vietnam War--and shoved Great Society laws down throats of citizenry. Democrats enacted Medicare, Medicaid, and a welfare state bigger than the welfare programs of all Europe combined. And Americans are still unhappy. Why? Because Democrats shovel us the same old shit and call it sugar. They act like they're on board with liberty. They act like they defend the Constitution. But they don't. Liberty is dead to the Democrats.

In Ohio we stand for Liberty. We stand for libertarian principles like efficient courts and better schools because we don't want Democrats Destroying our Dreams. We rose to oppose all three statewide issues in 2009 not because we oppose the "freedoms" they gave people, but because all three issues were unconstitutional. All three issues -- increased spending on veterans (Issue I), the formation of a livestock regulation panel (Issue II), and the invitation for casinos in four cities (Issue III) -- are threats to our liberties as they are threats to our Constitution, our taxpayer money, and our people.

Issue I, now passed, will make veterans more dependent on government spending and will set a precedent for such spending in the future.
Issue II, now passed, destroys a family farming practices to raise animals free of regulation, and allows corporate meat and dairy lobbyists to make laws over thousands of animals every year.
Issue III, now passed, will have families spending money on surprise trips to the casinos and -- as a constitutional amendment like the other issues -- makes an otherwise unconstitutional idea an Ohio law.

Thanks to Ohio's Democratic Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner, Democratic Governor Ted Strickland, and dozens of other Democratic and Republican dead weights, voters approved all three statewide issues on a whim. Libertarians -- we're not over til its over, and its just getting warmed up. The battle for Ohio and the country is being waged here and across the country with thousands joining everyday. We must continue fighting for stronger schools, freer communities, and with an unbridled spirit that demands nothing better than our finest.

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