Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Angry Rant (rabble, rabble, rabble)

Glenn Beck is a crybaby! Seriously, what kind of news caster cries on air, how pathetic, and un-professional. and don't try to act like that was real emotion. Make no mistake Beck works for crony corporate news and will say anything outrageous to get ratings, and as soon as Obama's out of office he's going to go back his old ways because that's what's best for his ratings. He uses emotionalism to make his points and get viewers' attention. If your going to feed a kid cod liver oil you got to put some sugar in it first. The sugar called the performing arts. He, Keith Oberman, Limbaugh, and Lou Dobbs are all a bunch of over-emotional poor excuses for journalists. You can’t even call this nonsense journalism! That is a gross misuse of the term and a knock on all real journalist everywhere.

Republicans are all about small government when the democrats are in control. Frankly, I’m getting sick of the lip service. They are equally corrupt and so are their ass-sucking political pundits like crybaby Beck. Yes, yes we do need to tell the other side of the story. The other side to crybaby Glenn Beck’s story is that he’s not concerned with the roll of government, or the victims of 9/11. He just has a poopy diaper. If someone would just change him and give him a bottle he’d stop crying and go right to sleep. His favorite food is whaaa burgers and french cries, def lepperd sux! Some say that Beck’s questions are important for the pendulum sway of democracy, which would be find if he were asking questions of relevance. He is a crony corperate lie. he does nothing to start any real debate. He uses anagrams and arguments that are frivolous and un-debatable due to their logical fallacies within. Could you imagine if Walter Cronkite used acronyms of a president’s name to sway public opinion about him. They would have committed him. Well, if your counting on a crony corporate news-goblin correspondent like crybaby Beck to help you with challenging the system, you might as well embrace commie-socialist, big government uber alles right now.

In case math seems a little fuzzy, the combined amount of trustworthy newscasters on FOX+CNN+MSNBC+ABC+CBS+any crony corporate networks= a big fat ZERO! Olbermann=liar, ed sholts=liar, bill O'riely=liar, lou Dobbs=liar, Beck=big fat corporate liar. All these people are here to sell ad space and nothing else. yeah, Beck stimulates conversation,… conversation amongst conspiracy theorist, and I assure you anyone who buys what he or any of these other crony corporate welfare pirates are saying are definitely not thinking. If they were thinking they wouldn't call protest anything but grassroots. If they were thinking they wouldn’t attack the President's policy by using Nazi symbolism. If they were thinking they would turn off the damn TV and pick up a mother fucking book! Black as a backroom deal, 6 feet under with an air tight seal. The press, for the blinded mice. Controls what you eat and wear. What is in and what is out. NO MORE! media control! The devil in disguise, is the ABC, Fuck the CNN, Lying NBC. Fox and CBC, UPI and BBC. The USA today is the real 666. Kick the addiction to lobbied news or embrace big government uber alles right now.

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